Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thoughts on Visitation

I went into the congregation today. For the past few weeks I had been living out of a suitcase. It's nice to be back with the congregation and the community. When you are gone from the people you serve from an extended period of time, it is easy to feel disconnected from their lives. So it was good to be back with the people today.
You never know what to expect on a visit. Some people like to keep the visit entirely social, while others keep the visit social until the end. As you are preparing to leave, they open up with a serious question or need. Then there are the people who ask you questions. Some questions are serious and some are trivial. Once in a while there is a question that can't be answered.
It is interesting what people share when you take the time to visit with them in their homes. So many pastors miss out on this special gift because they do not take the time to visit the congregation.
If you are a pastor here is a question for you, "When was the last time you simply visited your congregation for the sake of visiting?"

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