Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home Alone

Over the past few weeks I've been letting Dallas, my four year old beagle, stay home alone. For the most part he has done very well. That doesn't mean he hasn't chewed up anything while left unattended; however, the damage list is short: his leash (Lupine Leash with a lifetime replacement warranty), a puppy house training pad (just in case he needs to go), and part of the table cloth on my breakfast table (I think he was trying to pull off the box of Wheat Thins I left on top of the table). So far so good. I hope and pray for continued success.
Leaving Dallas home alone has got me thinking theologically about life. First of all, God has not left us home alone. God has sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. The Holy Spirit is God with us. It isn't a thing but the third person of the Trinity. Several years ago, Kenneth Kinghorn wrote "Fresh Wind of the Spirit." It is a great, approachable and sound book about the Holy Spirit. If you have questions about the Holy Spirit I suggest you read it.
So God has not left us home alone. We have the Holy Spirit to comfort us, guide us, and sustain us along life's journey. We have the Holy Spirit to bring us into intimacy and realness with God. We have the Holy Spirit to make the Christian life Christian.
I don't know if my dog is personally aware of the Holy Spirit. I know God created animals. I believe animals are part of God's redemption of creation. I wish I knew that Dallas was aware of the Holy Spirit. Then he would know that he is never actually home alone. Perhaps, then he would find that perfect peace that comes from sleeping soundly on the couch?

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